Marcel Joray, Schweizer Plastik der Gegenwart, vol. I, Neuenberg, 1955, illustration of another cast pl. 75
Alberto Giacometti (exhibition catalogue), Kunsthalle, Bern, 1956, illustration of another cast n.p.
Ernest Scheidegger, Alberto Giacometti, Zurich, 1958, illustration of the plaster version pp. 90-91 (titled Büste des Bruders Diego and dated 1952-53)
Alberto Gaicometti (exhibtion catalogue), Galerie Beyeler, Basel, 1963, illustration of another cast pl. 45
Mario Negri, Alberto Giacometti, Milan, 1968, illustration of another cast pl. XVII
Mario Negri & Antoine Terrasse, Giacometti Sculptures, Paris, 1969, illustration of another cast pl. V
Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) (exhibition catalogue), Academia di Francia, Villa Medici, Rome, 1970, illustrated of another cast n.p.
Die Sammlung der Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung (exhibition catalogue), Kunsthaus, Zurich, 1971, illustration of another cast p. 155
Alberto Giacometti: A Retrospective Exhibition (exhibition catalogue), Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1974, illustration of another cast pl. 98
Willy Rotzler, Die Geschichte der Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung, Bern, 1982, illustration of another cast p. 429
Alberto Giacometti Exposition au Japon (exhibition catalogue), The Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, 1983, illustration of another cast n.p.
Bernard Lamarche-Vadel, Alberto Giacometti, Paris, 1984, illustration in color of another cast p. 151
Alberto Giacometti (exhibition catalogue), Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny, 1986, illustration in color of another cast pl. 134
Franz Meyer, Alberto Giacometti, Madrid, 1986, illustration of another cast p. 69
Axel Matthes, ed., Louis Aragon mit anderen: Wege zu Giacometti, Munich, 1987, illustration of another cast p. 63
Herbert & Mercedes Matter, Alberto Giacometti, New York, 1987, illustrations of another cast pp. 96 & 105
Alberto Giacometti, Skulpturen—Gemälde—Zeichnungen—Graphik (exhibition catalogue), Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, & Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, 1987-88, illustration of another cast p. 250
Yves Bonnefoy, Alberto Giacometti: A Biography of His Work, Paris, 1991, pp. 432-33, illustration in color of another cast p. 434
Alberto Giacometti (exhibition catalogue), Basil & Elise Goulandris Fondation, Athens, 1992, illustration of another cast p. 108
Angela Schneider, ed., Alberto Giacometti, Sculpture, Paintings, Drawings, New York, 1994, illustration of another cast fig. 87
Alberto Giacometti 1901-1966 (exhibition catalogue), Kunsthalle, Vienna & Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, 1996, illustration of another cast p. 172
Alberto Giacometti in Postwar Paris (exhibition catalogue), Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich & Fondation de l'Hermitage, Lausanne, 2001-02, illustration in color of another cast p. 82
L'Atelier d'Alberto Giacometti. Collection de la Fondation Alberto et Annette Giacometti (exhibition catalogue), Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2007-08, illustration of another cast p. 393
Transfigurations: Modern Masters from the Wexner Family Collection (exhibition catalogue), Wexner Center for the Arts, The Ohio State University, Columbus, 2014, illustrations in color of another cast pp. 37 & 162